Why motor speed cannot reach a given instruction value in G code when the spindle is 100% modified?

The command speed received by the motor is also limited by the G-code instruction value, the adjustment ratio, the maximum processing speed of the logic shaft, etc., and they are all intersecting relationships, and it is necessary to ensure that the maximum processing speed of the logic axis is larger than the G-code instruction value.

When the absolute value motor uses G28 command back to zero, but the zero position is incorrect, What should be done?

Since the absolute value motor does not have a Z pulse, PARM040110 “G28 Search Z Pulse Enable” cannot be set to 1 when using G28 command back to zero position.

When configuring a dual-channel PLC, can F/G mode and module mode be used at the same time?

When configuring a dual-channel PLC, it is forbidden to use F/G mode and module mode at the same time, and the simultaneous use of both modes will cause unpredictable failures. When configuring a dual-channel PLC, it is forbidden to use F/G mode and module mode at the same time, and the simultaneous use of both modes will cause unpredictable failures.